Where to Start?
Saying this is a heartbreaking admission doesn’t come close in explaining the pain we’ve felt.
Saying this is a heartbreaking admission doesn’t come close in explaining the pain we’ve felt.
I mentioned last month I’m trying hard to decorate for holidays for my boys. I deeply appreciate their schools helping explain the holidays and I feel my part is to offer something at home to help further the conversations and learning experience. Our Easter decor is fairly tame. Just fresh flowers on the table and in the kitchen to welcome spring, along with […]
I cannot believe it’s 2015! To say the end of 2014 was quick-clipped might be a bit of an understatement; it came at a neck breaking speed. There were more than a few moments I hit the “be present” button to fully appreciate what was happening around me, which meant many other tasks were pushed to side – […]
Can you believe it’s the last week of August? We’re getting ready for school to kick-off. The Older is heading off to Kindergarten and the Little is going to preschool (finally!!) in two weeks! It’s a little weird knowing the house will be a little quieter but I’m really looking forward to the time to solely […]
Last Friday I watched Peyton Place while folding laundry. It was the first time I had actually watched a majority of it in one sitting (I’ve always caught parts of it so it’s seemed rather disjointed for me). The movie could easily fit into a modern-day setting. Overbearing parents laying down the rules. Curious teens rebelling against the rules. A […]
Have you ever been completely overjoyed about a Friday? I had that sort of week that by Wednesday I was in disbelief it was *only* Wednesday. When the Mister confirmed it, I really wanted to say, “Wait. What? It can’t be!” but quickly realized arguing about what day it was wouldn’t help matters. It’s like when someone argues with you […]
Thank you so much to those of you who sent encouraging messages, left kind voice-mails, and gave much-needed hugs after last week’s post. My mom’s words rung true shortly after the post went live: an opportunity, much more than what we had hoped for, presented itself. And we couldn’t be more thrilled about it. Again, thank you so much for the kindness […]
Last week we received not-so-good news. Nothing life threatening or earth shattering. It wasn’t anyone’s fault nor was it something we could’ve known six months ago. It was disappointing news. It was frustrating. It was something we hoped wouldn’t come our way. It was the type of news, a decision, that comes with its own ripple effect. I knew immediately certain plans would have to be put on hold for the unforeseeable […]
Father’s Day Weekend is upon us. And I’m a big fan. The Misters in our lives deserve a huge round of applause. Whether married or partnered, as a single-parent, sibling, or friend, they are always there for us whether we realize it or not. More and more, we see Dads being there for each other, which is awesome […]
It was a short week filled with a lot of goodness. That’s the kind of week I like. I’m also in denial May is over. Our Older is about to take up skateboarding lessons (he’s always been fascinated by skateboarders) and this past week, he graduated from preschool. I’m preparing myself mentally for the Younger to head off […]
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